If you asking a person who always dealing online, Have you ever been scammed? You will get 90% people saying yes. I am one of them. I was scamed, not as a buyer, but as a supplier, stock sent, never receive payment.
As a online business owner who supply replica and designer inspire silver jewelry... I guess. ..some persone might think that we deserve it. Yes, in many decent and rich person;s eyes, selling replicas is not something hornable to speak of. But.. I have never scam anyone.. even though, we sell replicas jewelry sometimes.. but we all have an agreement that this are not original, both of us know it.. and they are buying it because of the quality and price.. which I bet they are not going to find better offer anywhere.
Online business, buyer or supplier, we all worry about the same thing, are we going to be scammed? I have scammed twice by my
Another time is new client.. who order 248 usd, from
Not all the scammers I encouter are from
I really hate customer who delays about the payment.. but it seems if this begins, it could only get worse.. now I have another
I accept paypal, sometimes, though.. after we know the clients, we would try WU or bank transfer, Paypal charge too much, even I ask my client to pay 4% paypal fee, and we still lost over 5% during the currency convert (to withdraw the payment, we need to convert it from USD to HKD, and from HKD to RMB). So all my wholesale clients are transfer me the money via bank transfer or WU now, because.. they know they don’t have to worry about never get the stock.. for some VIP clients, I sent out the stock first.. but I have sleepless night too, for I was worrying about what if they are not sending me the money after they received the stock? Even my clients promised again and again and said where can I find such a good supplier if I lost you?.. I am still worry sometimes, because I am a small business make a low profit, over 6000USD is certainly too big money to lost... Every morning, the first thing I wake up is check my e-mail see if my clients have good news for me...
To any business, any sellers or buyers, the only key for a successful business is honesty.. to keep your words, never lie to your clients.. for example, if you are asking me if these stuff are really 925 silver, I will told you no, they are not, even over 95% wholesalers will said they are, but, we all know.. You could not buy any thing silver at such a price. If you don’t believe me, try some other supplier and buy samples with us, compared the quality and price, you will always find out ours is the best.. so my clients always come back after a few months.. Because they know that I am not lying, and I wont lie, also, they know, they are not going to find a better offer.
Of course, sometimes, exception happens, you know, for replica is illegal anywhere, extremely risky when passing the customs. So.. there maybe over 1% package was caught by the customs... If it did happen, we will try to help our client out, we will resend it if their package are caught by the Chinese customs, if it was lost in the target country, we will send it at half cost.. to minimize lost for both of us, but we can not guarantee a 100% risk free. We are not commit for something we can not do. So I will suggest all my clients to do Designer inspired without designer mark, because if they are regular wholesales, they wont worry about the MOQ which is only 5 pcs per style. And they can sell it to anywhere, online stores, over street, parties.. even on shows. SO the biggest sales from my website www.silver4sell.net is not replicas, it is what we called Designer inspired items without logo.. The same styles, just not wear replica brand name on it. This is much safer for me and my clients, only for the Links of
That’s my experience as a jewelry wholesaler; hopefully, you can find a wholesale like me, who will never lie. If you may still looking for a reliable supplier for designer silver jewelry, like Tiffany, Links, or Thomas Sabo, Gucci, You may have a look on my website www.silver4sell.net